I’ve named my Web site “renewablereality.net” for two reasons:
• You CAN make renewable energy a reality in your life.
• You may need a reality check to attain your goals and to avoid disappointment.
I’ve lived off-grid with renewable energy technologies for more than 35 years, and have written, lectured, taught, and consulted on these topics for more than half of that time. I’ve helped thousands of people understand the renewable energy options, prioritize their goals, and take a practical and realistic approach to energy efficiency and renewable energy. I hope this Web site furthers that work, and I’m available to help you.
Ian Woofenden has lived off-grid with wind electricity, solar electricity, solar hot water, and wood heat on an island in the Pacific Northwest for the last 35+ years, where he raised his large family, ran multiple businesses, and now focuses on educational work in the renewable energy industry. His roles in the industry are: